To get informations about the great prototype (in german) select the enhanced Koll-number You want and start the search.
For the numbering-scheme, which is oriented on the Koll's: [no].1A is the first model of a train package (mostly a locomotive),
[no].1B the second and so on. There is no way to get information at whole trainpackages (sorry!).
Further informations about the models, especially collector-prices You'll find in the annual Koll-Katalogs and/or Märklin-catalogs.
Any Informations Without warranty!
Sources of data:
- annual catalogs of Märklin
- annual Koll-Kompakt-catalogs
- annual Koll-Spezial-catalogs
- Detail-reports of models from Märklin-enthusiasts
5332 visitors since 01.06.2008
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