Stephan-Alexander Heyn's modelrailroad pages
german version
These pages are permanent under construction. Please neglect possible errors in layout.
Important notice: any hints and description are based on own observations. Thus, any use of informations are at
own risk of the user. Further any warranty either expressed or implied is NOT granted. Links to other pages are beyond the personal
responsibility of the author.
At this time are accessible:
- Basics on technics and railroading (german text only!)update: (Saturday,11.05.2024, 23:34)
- Service-pages (partly bilingual)update: (Saturday,11.05.2024, 22:02)
- Loktests update: (Sunday,12.05.2024, 00:03)
- Pictures of my layout (german text) update: (Friday,10.05.2024, 23:18)
- Electronics, schematics (german text only!) update: (Sunday,12.05.2024, 01:38)
- Further Informations (mostly german text) update: (Saturday,11.05.2024, 21:54)
- Notice on my own behalf
update: (Friday,10.05.2024, 23:18)
6454 Visitors since 14.10.2003
In case of questions please contact me.